AI-Powered Analysis
Analyze playtests faster than ever

Automatic annotations and summaries for your recordings, saving you time for what matters
  • Playtest Android games
  • Playtest iOS games
King of Thieves

by ZeptoLab

Faster insights from recordings

AI-Powered Analysis helps you understand and gather insights from your playtest videos faster than ever

Instant Annotations

Instant Annotations

Automatic annotations on your recordings, giving you a map into what the the player said and thought

An Immediate Summary

An Immediate Summary

AI-Powered Analysis gives you a quick immediate summary of your playtest, letting you know exactly what to expect

For Many Languages

For Many Languages

Get your insights and summaries in any language, from playtests in... also any language!

Learn more in our blog post

Find out all about how AI-Powered Analysis can save you time

Trusted by 60% of the studios behind the App Store's top 100 games

We're powering playtesting for thousands of producers, user researchers, game designers and others passionate about player experience.

Learn more on AI-Powered Analysis from our experts

  • Place your playtest order through your account
  • Turn on AI-Powered Analysis directly on the order form
  • Get your recording and its automatic insights in less than 48 hours

Get started now