Best Fiends

by Seriously

Who Are The Players

We have a large database of players from every corner of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Our players are screened and tested to determine their eligibility to become playtesters and their level of gaming skills and interests. When you send us a game to test we send your game off to our players to invite to play your game, they play and we send your results. It’s as easy as that! Here you will find some frequently asked questions about the process.  

Who are the playtesters?
Who are the playtesters?

Our players are regular people who all play games regularly. They're candid and love games - but they're not professional testers.

Our player panel represents the everyday players who will play your games in the future so you can test how your game will actually fare in a real market place.

Where are players from?
Where are players from?

The majority of our players are from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada and are fluent in English. For normal orders you'll get a mix of players from these three countries.

We can also limit tests to players from a single country, and can recruit players from other countries as well. Get in touch for details.

What data do we collect about the players?
What data do we collect about the players?

We keep user profiles for all of our players that are regularly updated by the testers themselves. For each participant in your tests we share the following data with you:

  • Age

  • Nationality

  • Country of residence

  • Currently played games

  • Favorite games

  • How many hours they play per week

  • Phone/tablet or browser type used for the test

  • For mobile tests: iOS or Android version used for the test

Demographics and gaming preferences are provided directly by the players, and the technical data is captured automatically.

What devices will they play on?
What devices will they play on?

iOS: iPhone 5s or newer, iPad mini 2 or newer, iPad Air or newer
Android: Devices running Android 5.0 and newer

On iOS you can select whether people should play on tablets or phones. Get in touch if you have specific device requirements.

What do players get for testing?
What do players get for testing?

Our players are paid a reward for participating in playtests and surveys. Their reward is around $10 per playtest, with the exact reward being determined by how long they are required to play.

The players are paid independently of whether they liked the game or not to ensure that they stay unbiased.

Where do players play?
Where do players play?

Our players will play your game on their own device at home or in another place where they have privacy.

Contractual Relationship
Contractual Relationship

Our players are independent contractors and are bound to confidentiality by a non-disclosure agreement that they agree to before each playtest.

How do you classify players into the casual, midcore, hardcore categories?
How do you classify players into the casual, midcore, hardcore categories?

Based on the games that players say they play we classify them as casual, midcore or hardcore gamers. This is done through a machine learning algorithm that was trained with approximately 10,000 training samples that were classified by humans. Players can also fall in multiple categories, such as casual and midcore.