Player Interviews
Talk directly to players

Tell us what type of player you’d like to talk to, when, and we do all the logistics – from recruiting to scheduling.
  • Playtest Android games
  • Playtest iOS games
Cut The Rope: Magic

by ZeptoLab

Get feedback and insights from players

Schedule a one-on-one call with a player of your choosing to get their feedback or opinion on anything, from design to gameplay. 

No logistics

No logistics

Tell us what kind of player you’d like to talk to, when, and we do everything else – from finding the player to scheduling the call to incentives.

A full suite of tools

A full suite of tools

Conduct the interview to your needs, from sharing your screen to inviting others, and analyze or share it afterwards with all our tools.

Talk to your audience

Talk to your audience

From feedback to market research, talk with players in real-time for whatever you need.

How it works:

  • Choose the targeting and timing for the interview
  • Place the order, and our platform does the rest
  • When it's time, start and join the interview
New and old capabilities

New and old capabilities

A full research platform, now with player interviews

  • Share your screen directly with the players

  • Invite others visibly or invisibly to the player with our Observer Mode

  • Use all our analysis tools, from video reels to annotations

Interview your own players, or ours

Interview your own players, or ours

You don't have to use our panel – use Bring Your Own Players to schedule interviews with your own players.

Add and join directly from your calendar

Add and join directly from your calendar

Add any scheduled interviews directly to your calendar and join from there.

Blur your background

Blur your background

Want to blur what's behind you like in other calls? Just blur your background.



Our entire pool of players is available to you

  • Our entire global player panel is available

  • Use all our player targeting options

  • Talk exactly to the players you want

No logistics work

No logistics work

  • Recruiting, scheduling and inventives all done by us

  • No external software needed, everything happens inside our platform

  • Invitations sent directly to your calendar, or join from your PlaytestCloud account

Trusted by 60% of the studios behind the App Store's top 100 games

We're powering playtesting for thousands of producers, user researchers, game designers and others passionate about player experience.

Get started now

Create an account and start talking to players

Find out what's unique about our player interviews

Want to know how Player Interviews can help you and your team and what it offers? Are you doing player interviews already and want to switch to our service? Reach out below for a free consultation or with any questions, and we’ll be in touch.